When Does Child Support End In Tennessee?

Responsible parents understand that the purpose of child support is to provide for the basic expenses of their child and support their wellbeing. However, at a certain point child support ends. Whether you are the parent paying or receiving child support, it is important to know when the obligation to provide support is over.
In Tennessee, a child support obligation ends when a child turns eighteen or graduates high school, whichever occurs last. However, there are exceptions to this rule. If a child is emancipated pursuant to the laws of Tennessee, child support will terminate. Further, if your child fails or quits school after reaching the age of eighteen, child support will terminate when the class your child was in, at the time your child turns eighteen, graduates. Finally, if your child is not in high school at the age of eighteen, child support will terminate when your child reaches the age of eighteen. However, if your child is disabled, child support can continue beyond the age of eighteen and beyond the date of graduation. You can also enter into a contract to provide child support for longer than required.
Talk to Our Office Now
Do you have questions about when support ends for your child in Williamson County? If so, the experienced Franklin family law attorneys at Fort, Holloway & Rogers are here to help. Call the office or contact us today to schedule a consultation of your child support case now.