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Category Archives: Divorce


Mediation in Tennessee Divorce

By Fort, Holloway, & Rogers |

Ariana Grande is “Boq” again and whipping up controversy. As many readers will know, Ms. Grande will be filling the shoes of Galinda the good witch in the upcoming film adaptation of “Wicked,” the book and fan-favorite Broadway musical. What has made a bigger splash in news headlines ahead of the release is that… Read More »

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Think These Questions Through Before a High-Asset Divorce

By Fort, Holloway, & Rogers |

High-asset divorce, high net worth divorce, complex financial divorce – these are all different names for the same thing. And while divorce is devastating for a great many personal and emotional reasons, it can also wreak havoc on your financial wellbeing. If you have worked for years, maybe even decades, to build an empire… Read More »

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Divorce in the Social Media Age

By Fort, Holloway, & Rogers |

It is no secret that social media has changed many things in our society. Even twenty years ago, few would suspect how drastically different a person’s ability to reach others would be today, or how easily (even accidentally) a person’s life might be chronicled on social media. One key place that many do not… Read More »

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Could Couples Lose the Option to File a No-Fault Divorce in Tennessee?

By Fort, Holloway, & Rogers |

No-fault divorce is a great option for many couples. Sometimes a marriage just does not work out. Or, Even if one spouse is more “at-fault” and the couple would qualify for divorce under a separate ground, a couple might still file a no-fault divorce just to retain privacy. However, a more conservative political trend… Read More »

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How Can Adultery Affect my Divorce in Tennessee?

By Fort, Holloway, & Rogers |

There is a reason that so many country songs that are at the top of the charts are about cheating. From the dawn of mankind, unfaithfulness has plagued those in the pursuit of true love, and happily ever after. Unfortunately, many marriages disintegrate due to unfaithfulness on the part of one of the partners…. Read More »

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How to Handle Sentimental Items in Your Divorce

By Fort, Holloway, & Rogers |

In divorce cases, there is a lot to plan for and think about. You are, after all, setting yourself up with a springboard into the next chapter of your life. While it is necessary to focus on financial stability as you go through the process of dividing assets and debts as part of your… Read More »

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Frequently Asked Questions About Tennessee Divorce

By Fort, Holloway, & Rogers |

We will not sugarcoat it: going through a divorce is going to be tough for the vast majority of people. Even if you saw your divorce coming a long time ago, there is still history to sift through. Most people will be dealing with heightened emotions, frustration – and a level of confusion. Most… Read More »

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Does Intention Affect Jurisdiction in a Divorce Case?

By Fort, Holloway, & Rogers |

The divorce case of Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner continues to make headlines, and continues to offer the opportunity to discuss various principles of family law. This week, the two celebrity’s nationalities are again of pivotal importance: Ms. Turner is a British Actress, Mr. Jonas a musician from the U.S. Because her marriage will… Read More »

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What Impacts the Cost of Divorce Litigation?

By Fort, Holloway, & Rogers |

A huge part of what makes divorce a stressful experience is that our clients are living in a state of limbo. Many do not know what their home life will look like after the divorce is final. The process of divorce also, very often, includes the process of looking for new housing, hiring new… Read More »

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Enforcing a Court Order After a Tennessee Divorce

By Fort, Holloway, & Rogers |

It comes as no surprise to anyone that divorce is often a long, messy, uncomfortable process. By the time you reach a final divorce decree both you and your ex-spouse are likely relieved, and looking forward to moving forward in your respective lives. However, divorcing spouses should be aware that things do not always… Read More »

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