Criminal Simulation And Forgery In Tennessee

Every state has criminal laws against forgery, but Tennessee also has special laws against something known as criminal simulation. This is related to forgery and fraud crimes but is a separate criminal act that a person can unknowingly be charged with in Tennessee. If you or someone you know has been accused of committing forgery or criminal simulation in the Williamson County area it is critical that you speak with a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney right away. Call or contact Fort, Holloway, & Rogers today to learn more about your legal options.
Tennessee Forgery
Forgery in Tennessee involves the altering of a written instrument in order to defraud, deceive, or harm another person. Generally speaking, a person commits forgery if they make, alter, or sign a written document with the intent to commit an illegal act. A person can be charged with forgery in Tennessee if they do any of the following:
- Make, sign, or alter a written document by signing someone else’s name or altering the time or place of signature
- Passing off a document as a copy of an original that does not exist
- Making false entries in records or books
- Use, present, or transfer a forged item (also known as “uttering”)
- Possessing a forged document with the intent to use it
Examples of forgery include signing another person’s name on a check, altering the amount on a check, cashing a forged check at a financial institution, creating fake deeds or other real estate documents, altering a financial instrument like a promissory note, and using a forged document to obtain or transfer money or property.
Tennessee Criminal Simulation
Criminal simulation in Tennessee is similar to forgery but involves making or altering other items in order to deceive, defraud, or otherwise harm another person. A person commits criminal simulation if they make or alter an object so that it appears to have value because of its age, rarity, source, or authorship, possessing an object that has been made or altered with the intent to sell or pass it, or authenticate or certify such an object that is known to not be genuine. It is also considered a crime of criminal simulation to possess any machinery designed to produce instruments like a debit or credit card or possess an instrument designed, adapted, or used in the commission of any theft of property or services fraudulently. To learn more about forgery and criminal simulation crimes, speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney today.
Call or Contact Our Office Now
Charges of forgery and criminal simulation are serious matters that should be handled by an experienced Franklin criminal defense attorney from the moment you discover that a case is being built against you or someone you know. To learn more about your legal options from a team that zealously advocates for the interests and freedom of their clients, call the office or contact us at Fort, Holloway, & Rogers today to schedule a consultation of your case.